Launching the TCS Blog

Launching the TCS Blog

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to The Crafty Shambles blog! The intention of this blog is to keep YOU up to date on everything we're doing. For those of you that follow us on Facebook, you will still probably learn more about what we're doing, where we're going, what we're launching here, even though we try hard to keep Facebook up to date. We know right now our page is flooded with promotion for the workshops this weekend. While we will promote things here too, it won't be repetitive over and over again! 

Tonight, we re-launched the website VERY QUIETLY ssssshhhhhh. Why? It's not ready yet! Truth is we can't finish everything we want to do without the website being live. We need to test functionality and add new products, and we didn't fancy adding them twice (it's bad enough adding items on Etsy and here). There's a lot of coding to do behind the scenes, there's a lot of images that need updating, there's navigation bars that need cleaning up. 

When it's finished, the navigation is going to be a million times better. Product pages will give you a better experience. You will be able to see products more clearly, reference charts will be bigger, and you'll be able to search for items and see recommendations and leave reviews. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was our website. This is actually the third iteration of the site, and the last time we changed, we had a lot fewer products, and a lot less personalization.

What you will notice... even though its empty right now... WATCHBANDS ARE BACK! We did shift them over to Etsy last year, but after much deliberation, we decided it made sense to offer them on our main site too. 

There are all kinds of things we want to share, things we've done, and things we will be doing, but for now we just wanted to say HELLO and ask for you to be patient while we finish getting this website ready to roll. 


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